What Did You Do in the Class War, Daddy?

“Someone at the Chicago Board of Trade issued another message to the Occupy Chicago protesters by blanketing them with these McDonald’s job applications. The protesters are understandably offended by both the message and by the hundreds of pieces of new litter around them.” [Chicagoist, via ThinkProgress]


Talk about clueless – apparently the greedheads at CBOT missed this story a while back:


Then again, they’ve also apparently forgotten the nigh-inevitable result of this sort of behavior. Maybe for a followup, they can tell OWS to go eat cake…

That sound you hear is a guillotine being sharpened.

@al2o3cr: CBOT also posted a giant WE ARE THE 1 PERCENT banner in their windows. I wish all economic criminals were as delightfully blunt.

There was an armed guard outside a Bank of America branch in my quiet little town this AM. Never seen that before. Somebody is nervous.

@Dodgerblue: We’re moving our accounts from Chase to a credit union this weekend.

@al2o3cr: ¿CBOT?

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: The guillotine was supposed to be humane, until someone realized that the heads could still blink un pour Oui et deux pour Non. I say we use the block and a drunk executioner.

@Dodgerblue: O RLY? TD Bank is about to get the shit kicked out of them over here. I left them when they lost my direct deposit paycheck, yet sent out all my automatic payments. Boing! Boing!

If anyone qualifies for USAA, HIGHLY recommend! Esp their auto insurance.

TD is a bunch of raging assholes in their home country of Canada City, too.

@ManchuCandidate: DUDE! And they bought our only cool bank and fucked it all up!

They bought the most popular Trust Company in Canada City over a decade ago and were about to change it over to “standard” TD procedure (aka fuck it up) and nearly started a riot among the Trust company customers. They’ve left it alone since (my understanding.) BTW, I used to be a customer of theirs as a kid. My dad left them in a huff and took us with him. At this rate I’m running out of banks (we have only eight major chartered banks.)

@ManchuCandidate: Are there credit unions in Canukistan? I have no idea if that’s a uniquely US-American thing or not.

Yes, but they’re very tiny in relation to the big eight. Several people I know bank with them.

What are your service fees like? And do you accept services in lieu of currency? You know… Services.

@ManchuCandidate: They are calculated at a 10% of the entire value of the deposit times 100.

We are moving heavily into sweater and sweater derivatives this cycle.

@IanJ: Catt provided me with an invaluable service. It would cheapen it to try to put a number on its worth. Hence the invaluable thing. Plus, Catt’s not cheap. Bene is, however.

@JNOV: Benedick is free.

Add: if you discount the spend for penicillin, that is.

I have nothing but praise for my credit union. Though I’m a little surprised there are that many actors with money.

@JNOV: That is a handsome sweater. Slightly troublesome neckline if one is built like a racehorse as am I. And beautiful yarn.

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: No, Butterflies Are Free.

Interesting historical footnote: I read a piece in Granta about the guillotine. Seems the natural reaction to having a heavy sharp blade rushing down at one’s neck is to shrug; hence the blade can land almost anywhere from neck to top of skull. So there is someone whose job it is to grab the hair (or ears) and yank hard to keep the head in place as the blade descends. Something to think about.

We had the painters here to paint the outside doors. So now the pugs are running about streaked with red. Is there no end to their adorableness? Apparently not.

@Benedick: So now the pugs are running about streaked with red.

Redrum! Redrum! REDRUM!

@JNOV: LOVE it. You’ll look great sitting by the guillotine knitting like Madame Defarge.

Just a friendly word of advice:

1) Open your new bank account PRIOR to closing your old one.

2) Get your deposits going into the new account and make sure your autodrafts are all set to go from the new account.

3) Wait a few weeks and make sure that all checks and debit transactions have cleared your old account and then close it. This is the last step in the process, not the first.

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: There are some really fascinating choices in LA, like Amalgamated (America’s Labor Bank), City National Bank, and First Entertainment Credit Union.

Do you or Dodger know anything about these?

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: You can still fit into Banana Republic clothes? That is such good news.

@¡Andrew!: City National is a preferred bank for the entertainment industry here. I don’t think they were heavily into home mortgages.

@JNOV: Fwaw, love that it’s called Mr. Darcy.

@Noje: I can haz reply button on Android mobile? I promise to go light a candle at the nearest Jobs shrine.

@Benedick: They sew two sweaters back to back for me. They do it for Rush Limbaugh all the time.

@flippin eck: Dude. I don’t even have one on my iPhone. Apple first! ;-) Yeah, Mr. Darcy. Heh.

@Mistress Cynica: <3 (now off to Wiki Madame Defarge…)

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: Oh, please. You, too, can have this sweater for the cost of yarn and a small donation to Jr’s college fund. ;-)

@Benedick: Be nice. As a, er, gentleman once told me as I commented on his love handles (I was 17, okay, “It’s a helluva ride — you need something to hold onto!”

@Nojo: I forgot how to get the interrobang code to work. Tired of copy –> paste.

@JNOV: Wow. Love it. If I order one today for Mr. SFL, could you have it ready by Festivus? And I agree with flippin eck that the name of the sweater is super-bonus for an Austen-ite.

@¡Andrew!: No, sorry. We are going with the credit union attached to the Mouse.

@SanFranLefty: I wish — probably not depending on the size. I’ll meet youse and that Catt fellow in the house, yaw.

@flippin eck: Stinque Mobile is a canned WordPress plug-in. There are some things I’d like to hack about it, but I’ve never had time to study the entrails.

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