Take This Job and Shove It

Our guest interlocutors are Chuck Todd and Rick Perry, conversing in November 2010.

TODD: What is your timeline for making a decision about whether or not to run for President in 2012?

PERRY: I wouldn’t have written that book if I was going to run for the Presidency of the United States. Obviously, you haven’t read it all.

I’m not interested in being the President of the United States. I’ve said that for the last two years, and still I’m consistent, I’m consistent in my position.

TODD: Shermanesque?

PERRY: Shermanesque? Help me on that one.

TODD: Meaning if drafted, I will not run. If nominated, I will not serve.

PERRY: I don’t know how many ways — how about Perryesque?

And the fact of the matter is: I’m not running for the Presidency of the United States. Don’t want to be the President of the United States. I’ve got the best job in America.

Perry is “Perryesque” on 2012 [The Hill, sort of via Politico]

I wish this was a fractured fairy tale.

Lion Upgrade Step One: Change the fucking mouse to behave like it’s supposed to.

@nojo: If a Lion can’t keep a mouse in line, it’s well and truly fucked.

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