H&H Bagels

I am gutted:

At 80th Street and Broadway, the sign is already gone but the aroma of freshly baked bagels still lingers.

Inhale it fast, Upper West Siders, because this is it: H & H Bagels, a Sunday stalwart for generations, will close Wednesday.

There is no explanation posted at the store, just a sign that says “Welcome to Visit Our Store at 639 West 46th Street,” which is where the company’s baking plant is also located. Both will continue to operate, store employees said.

At this point, I believe bagels warm from the oven no longer exist on the Upper West Side. This is truly tragic. Wherever shall I go? What shall I do?


You know where you get fab bagels? Montreal. I’m just saying.

I am crushed by this news. Another part of my youth, gone.

@blogenfreude: Nooooooooo. It was my first stop after I checked into my hotel on my last trip to NYC. The everything bagels & cream cheese were the only thing that got me through.

@Mistress Cynica: Sunday morning routine was Zabar’s for whitefish salad and H&H for bagels … soul crushing.

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