Japanese Cellphone Ad

You can’t buy that phone, but can you name that tune?


@Benedick is not as stupid as he looks.: Not that I’d really want either to play at my wedding, but it is so preferable to Pachelbel’s Canon.

Or maybe they want food. It’s hard to tell.

Breaking Hard!!!!! The NY Times has discovered Outsports.com!!!!!1111! Did you know that gay men like Sport other than wrestling? This has Pulitzer written all over it. Well they do. Wow. It only took 8 years or more of in-depth essays on fashion and interior design but they got there in the end with a hard-hitting piece about how all kinds of shit is surprising when you find out about it and how is anyone to know?

I’ll see your woodblocks and raise you Minecraft:

Minuet in G – in Minecraft

More like this here.

@mellbell: How about this cat playing Metallica on the harp?


That would be awesome.

@redmanlaw: I’m so disappointed! That’s not a cat playing the harp! :(

Unrelated, but what the heck:
Welcome to Third World America, where businesses in union-friendly countries can outsource production to factories managed by Randroids!
This seriously sounds like a diet-version of the stuff people get mad at companies for doing in China…

@al2o3cr: hell, in another 10 years the textile factories might be reopening in southern Virginia at rates of pay matching Vietnam and Cambodia.

Hard to gin up that much sympathy this early in the morning for these workers’ failure to unionize and relatively crappy working conditions, since that part of the state consistently vote against their economic interests because of fears of the brown people and the gheyz and the ladybits. Chickens meeting the proverbial roost, etc.

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