There’s a Birther Born Every Minute
Ways you can help WorldNetDaily continue to profitably feign outrage over an issue their own evidence disproves:
- Order the WND “Obama Eligibility Primer”: $7.95
- Donate to the WND “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” billboard campaign: $2 – $5,000
- Buy the WND “A Question Of Eligibility” DVD, featuring Orly Taitz: $17.99
- Purchase a WND “Where’s the Birth Certificate Yard and Rally Sign”: $19.95
- Acquire a “Where’s the Birth Certificate? – T-Shirt”: $19.99
- Posess a set of WND “White House Eligibility Postcards”: $4
- Give to WND’s “Fund for Truth About Obama Birth”: $5
- Exchange legal tender for WND’s new book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President”: $22.95
“All I have ever demanded was the truth,” says WND’s Joseph Farah. That, and a piece of the action.
Become an eligibility activist [WND, via Media Matters]
Something lighter from down under. Teabaggers!
No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of WND commenters.
i’ll trade ’em one official obama “born in the usa” birth certificate for a vintage 1992 “don’t blame me, i voted for bush” bumper sticker. i want one real bad.
@jwmcsame: I have a “Spiro T. Agnew: A Great American” t shirt, avec visage, that in its day was worn without irony. Size: youth large/adult small. Some bicycle chain grease stains.
Also, in almost the biggest slap in the face yet, humorist and playwright Justin Moran has launched the Spider-Man Smackdown, an initiative to write, choreograph, compose and perform a Spider-Man musical for nothing and open it a day before Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.
humorist and playwright Justin Moran has posed the question, “How important is $65 million in making good theater?” Apparently, not at all. He and a team of actors, writers and composers are currently working on the Spider-Man Smackdown, aka, The Spidey Project. The show has one simple aim – make a musical about Spider-Man for a budget of $0 and open it before the $65 million version. Here’s a video of the latest update, followed by the press release.
@Capt Howdy: Benedick has been absent more than usual. This explains everything.
that was so enjoyable i watched the other finalists. this is my favorite, reminded me of “it’s always sunny in philadelphia” meets “flight of the conchords” sharon killed me, they were a happy couple, except for her.
@Capt Howdy: @FlyingChainSaw:
i think as soon as he stops laughing, he’ll check in.
@Nabisco: obviously you have no need for an obama birth certificate, so how ’bout a can of long since flat 1982 worlds fair beer? your choice of green, red, or orange label for the agnew shirt.
Anybody see the Jimmy Carter deal on PBS last night? very revealing, if the teabaggers knew how evangelical he was and surprisingly very very tight with the government purse strings, they would find some common ground. But of course reality has never been of much concern to the teabaggers.
@FlyingChainSaw: I’m at my fucking computer all day. Presently I’m trying to find out how they could hoist a backdrop in 18th cent theatres when they had no fly towers. Roll them up? Tough on the drop. Most scenery slid on grooves – flats, legs – but still. And plus, did they use tormentors? How were they hung?
@Capt Howdy: Hello. Sparky? Marvel Comics? Copyright? Lawyers? Any of this sound familiar?
However, I was thinking idly yesterday that this is about the only way to do it. Have no resources and make magic. It’s called Theatre.
I have a Nixon hearts Rebozzo poster.
no surprise to me how witty and hilarious the kiwis are. whole bunch of them on the island. this is good for Lefty to know when she goes into exile on vacation.
don’t forget all, sunday is OSCAR night! open thread!?!
the world is coming apart so naturally i want to look at couture.
T/J: Amazon Prime now offers free (that is, no additional cost) streaming of movies and TV shows. Another great time-waster.
@Benedick: Fucking tormentors! How are they hung?
@Capt Howdy: I totally want to be in that. Am I too young to play the Uncle?
@Benedick: If it’s a satire they’ll get away with it, you watch.
@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: I don’t see how. Fair use, dude. Unless they change the names and the cozzies. Whichever way it’ll only help to sell tix to the Other.
@Nabisco: I have an I like Ike handkerchief.
@Capt Howdy: Also, coming to New York, my friend Jose Bold will be presenting his musical, Spidermann, which has already opened and closed in Seattle (production cost unknown, but tickets were $5 each).
Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 8:30pm
The Tank, New York, NY
I encourage interested Stinquers to attend — it was a well-praised show here, although I didn’t get a chance to see it. Don’t expect any, for instance, flying.
@karen marie has her eyes tight shut: unfortunately todays teapublican’ts don’t like ike and don’t even care to remember him. fair taxes, adequate health insurance, and that warning about you know who is just too damn radical even if he did win the big one. we sure could use ike and cronkite these days.
@Nabisco: @karen marie has her eyes tight shut: i almost forgot, i have a big orange t shirt with john kerry inside the tennessee state outline. it ain’t too popular here in east redneckistan. i’ll trade it for a 15 (not 12) pack of strohs in those real nice lookin’ blue cans. they don’t sell no strohs round here anymore.
@Benedick: I’m pretty sure all they have to do is give Stan Lee a cameo. That seems to be how it works in every Marvel comic movie I’ve seen in the last 20 years.
@flippin eck: that’s awesome. my favorite two onion videos are the slut spill and mccain getting locked in the campaign bus.
can’t find mccain…
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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