Blowing Things Up

While nojo is correct in pointing out that Americans like to blow things up, so does my favorite Brit:


There’s this A-B mix called Tannerite that you can mail order for making explosive targets. Stuff blows up when you hit it with a high power rifle round. Anyway, rednecks/shooters being who they are, said “whut would happen if we took a few pounds and stuffed it in a fridge with some gasoline?”

The some dudes said, “so what if we stuff a shitload of it in a Geo Metro out in the desert?” Awesomeness ensued.

Tannerite® is here to serve you. We will do anything with in our power to assist in making any transaction with you fast, affordable and righteous. …

Our KICK-ASS invention is specifically designed to be safe. Tannerite will not cause a fire, can not be initiated by any method other than a center fire rifle, and we hold a valid patent on Binary Exploding Targets. We have spent endless amounts of funds proving legality in court, proving legality in ALL FIFTY STATES and many years perfecting the product.

Righteous and legal. What could possibly go wrong?

@Bloggie, sorry about them Jets*, but them’s the real hard knocks.

*Not really.

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