Richard Holbrooke (1941-2010)

Foreign Policy Magazine:


Kristof has a nice tribute to Holbrooke.

Lemme tell you, an aortic tear (a.k.a. aortic dissection) is one of the most terrible ways to go. There’s next to nothing the doctors can do for you – it’s not like a heart attack – because your arteries are shredding into pasta noodles in front of the heart surgeons. This is what killed John Ritter. Unlike him, for better or for worse Holbrooke at least made it to a hospital – seeing as how GW’s hospital is four blocks from the State Department.

@SanFranLefty: If you haven’t seen it, see Skin Deep – I never cared for Ritter until I saw this hysterical film (directed by Blake Edwards).

Anyone else watching the Texans-Ravens game? The last half of the 4th quarter? Man!
/On the road in a hotel in Gallup NM

Try John Ritter in Bad Santa. The best movie for the season for Stinquers.

@blogenfreude: Is that the one with the glow-in-the-dark condoms?

@redmanlaw: Checked out at dinner in brew pub in Santa Clara. Heads up ball.

@redmanlaw: i have foresaken the nfl this year because my fantasy team is so bad. if you are/were watching arian foster (aka erring foster), beware. when he tried to play here for the tennessee volunteers, he fumbled away 7 games. SEVEN. he had game losing fumbles in 7 games. he single handily cost phil fulmer his job, but fulmer never benched him. todd blackledge once predicted one (on the goal line) of the seven fumbles and afterwards said “foster has bad juju, i wouldn’t get in a car with him”. even though he leads the nfl in rushing tds and maybe even rushing yards, he will one day screw it up. wait and see. he will be next years #1 fantasy bust if there is an nfl season.

RIP Richard Holbrooke, a rare grownup in this Administration.

@Dodgerblue: His last words were “We must end the war in Afganistan”.

@Dodgerblue: Which means he will rise from the grave with fat ankles, I guess.

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