And Now, Your Moment of Insane

Yahoo’s Michael Calderone, formerly Politico’s Michael Calderone, shows how a professional wordsmith gins up controversy where none exists:

As was the case with the Beck event, commentators and critics are having a hard time trying to pin down exactly what Stewart is up to this week leading into the event. The Comedy Central host sat down with President Obama and has regularly touted the show’s effort to assemble (as Beck also claimed to) disaffected individuals seeking sanity from the hyper-charged political atmosphere and 24/7 news cycle.

Note the false equivalence between Glenn Beck, a sincere hatemonger and fabulist who broadcasts four hours daily, with Jon Stewart, a satiric clipmonger and fabulist who (with Stephen Colbert) broadcasts four hours a week.

Also note that, to date, no death threats have been attributed to the inspiration of Jon Stewart.

We’ve provided a visual demonstration of Mr. Calderone’s craft, consisting of miniature pies being hurled at insects. It requires an elaborate contraption and high-speed photography to work, but that’s how professionals like Mr. Calderone are able to earn a living. It’s all in the details.

For the rest of us, Comedy Central and C-SPAN will be broadcasting the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear — live on both coasts — starting at Noon Eastern/9am Pacific.

Jon Stewart’s rally raises questions about comedian’s role [Yahoo]

[Video via Kottke]


OMG!!! What is Jon Stewart up to?!?!?!?

Are “commentators and critics” and Michael Calderone really that stupid, or do they believe the public is that stupid, or both.

I blame my parents for the fact that I missed THIS FUCKING GRAVY TRAIN by not supporting my getting a journalism degree !

@karen marie wants to know — Fucking integrity, how does it work?: And I blame my hometown newspaper for never giving me another assignment as a stringer after I expressed boredom at covering a township planning board meeting, in New Jersey.

@karen marie wants to know — Fucking integrity, how does it work?: @Nabisco: I had a great time as a journalist – travel, adventure, immersion in native cultures, Being There for great moments – all within New Mexico and the Navajo Nation. Got a few national awards (although we wuz robbed for the Pullet Surprise), valuable experience and cred, true war stories and got to see a domestic revolution. I just lucked out, I guess. I quit when it wasn’t fun anymore.

There are worse ways to wake up than a live set by the Roots.

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