Red State Update Sells Out

They will do your political ad for 120 bucks – cash American:

Maybe Stinque should fundraise and order an ad against Paladino? Or Angle? Or Rand Paul? Or … that idiot in Alaska who knocked off Lisa Murkowski?


I am available to coach tyro actors. As in the appalling ‘homespun’ trash shot in West Hollywood and the ‘rebuttal’ shot in East Hollywood.

As Sandy Meisner famously said: Political Activism is no excuse for indicating.

Loved “tay pardee.”

I haven’t seen a performance that subtle since Tim Curry in Rocky Horror.

@ Bloggy,

My former college roomie who now lives in Alaska sez that Senatard Whatsherface may actually pull off this write-in thing, or at least will draw enough votes so that Alaska sends it’s very own Idiot-ahrod Blue Dawg to DeeSee.

Hi Homies – back from my deer hunting trip. Awesome in so many ways, fucking unawsome in hearing the clickclickclick of a hammer on a revolver or a lever action rifle being pulled back in an encounter with an unseen poacher hidden in some rocks about 20 yards upslope from me in the Ponderosa pines. Life is cheap in that part of the state – a guy on leave from Iraq got killed in a minor traffic dispute – and kids learn to take game illegally at a young age so I got me and my buddy the fuck out of there. He was mad because he can’t hunt his own land in safety because of the poachers and I was just fucked scared. Treating the PTSD with martinis.

ADD: Fucking Broncos. Go Giants. Hell of a game Saturday.

@redmanlaw: go benecio del toro in “the hunted” on their ass. just make sure tommy lee jones isn’t lurking around first. another good anti-poaching seen is in the beginning of “the dog soldiers” with tom berenger.

fucking broncos only two tds were from my fantasy rb knowshon moreno who i started for the first time this year like the don shulaesque fantasy player i am. also started steelers qb been ruthless bugging her for the first time this year and won.

@redmanlaw: Yow! Stay safe. If I never hear that sound unexpectedly, it’ll be too soon.

@redmanlaw: This is why I want to learn to fly fish – the occasional hook in your scalp is as bad as it gets.

Jets off this week – we always win the bye. Giants should shit all over the Cowboys tonight. And did you see Brett revert to being the quarterback he was for the Jets? Loving it … great to see him humiliated at Lambeau.

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