Speaking of Painfully Long Arizona Pauses

“The Justice Department filed a civil lawsuit Thursday against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County, accusing him and his agency of stonewalling a probe into policing practices that some call discriminatory against Hispanics.” [WSJ]


Hey Jamie, do we have federal judges with guts in Arizona?

Judge Bolton did a pretty good job putting most of the state immigration travesty law on ice. Maybe she’ll get this one.

In other news, Rocky is in peril!.

What next, will global warming lead to extermination of the mooseberry bush? And who knew that Rocky retired to San Bernadino after shacking up with Bullwinkle in Frostbite Falls?

@Dodgerblue: Si. Most of them are good eggs. Lemme see if I can find who caught this one.

ETA: PACER tells me it’s currently assigned to Larry Anderson, who is a magistrate judge, and someone I know nothing about. :/

But let me take this opportunity to say it’s about fucking time the feds got off their goddamn asses to do something about this. Arpaio called a press conference a year ago to declare he would not cooperate with the investigation. And yet, they kept having meetings and sending letters and got absolutely nowhere.

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