Sarah Palin’s Clip Show
Just in time for Thanksgiving!
Sarah Palin’s new book has a title, America By Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag, and a release date, Nov. 23, publisher HarperCollins announced Tuesday…
It will include “selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her,” according to HarperCollins, along with “the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.”
Y’know, Rupert’s HarperCollins could spare itself the trouble and leave the pages blank. They’re really selling the dustcover.
Sarah Palin’s book, ‘America By Heart,’ out Nov. 23 [AP/USA Today]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
No, srsly.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
honestly the scary part is that enough people would give a rats ass about “selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her,” according to HarperCollins, along with “the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.” to make this a profitable enterprise.
I thought that was called “scrapbooking”
@Capt Howdy:
Actually, it’s the first time a Facebook page has been turned into paper.
Funny. No mention of magazines or newspapers in the list of “selections” that have “moved” her…
@ManchuCandidate: I thought those were called “diaries”.
in her case diarrhea
@Capt Howdy: You really brought your A game today.
@Capt Howdy: Dohoho.
I still find it amazing that she’s as popular as she is. I remember when I first saw her, the first thought that crossed my mind was “They only picked her because they wanted a woman to fill the VP slot and make them seem progressive” and since then, she hasn’t done a single thing to convince me otherwise. I don’t understand how anyone can be so thoroughly duped by such a vapid human being. I guess she’s just living proof that a catchy slogan can easily serve as a substitute for words of substance.
I read “flag” as “fag” – my bad.
Related to a previous thread (on ED, so ads are NSFW):
Use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ links immediately below the image – funny as hell. Fuckin magnets. :)
@JNOVjr: a catchy slogan can easily serve as a substitute for words of substance
You have summed up the current state of the national “discourse” quite pithily.
Totally OT: Jimmy Carter’s grandson Jason has pretty much been elected a state senator representing yours truly.
I’d love to get paid a few million dollars for putting together an anthology of public domain documents, with some folksy, apostrophe laden comments written by a ghostwriter. Its a great gig. There was once a time when someone with a “brand,” thats all she is, a “brand,” would at least try to protect the value of the brand by making sure that what went out under the brand was of at least some level of quality, but I suppose, when your audience is the lowest of the low, you don’t have to worry about quality.
She really should become the spokesperson for the fart blanket. Its perfect for her and Todd, I can just see it, the scene opens with the pose we’ve all seen, Palin in the foreground, and Todd just behind her shoulder, looking manly and protective, she makes sounds to the effect that Todd is a man’s man, and when he comes home from shooting caribou and snow-machining, he lets off some wicked farts, but with the new miracle fart blanket, all is well in the Palin marital bed. And then, she can do a little aside, speaking with a wink to the camera, a message for the gals ouot there, “and it also helps when the old cooch gets a little rank.” SNL, I expect to be paid for this skit idea.
@ManchuCandidate: @blogenfreude: There isn’t a male conjugate for “JAP”? Wouldn’t it just be Jewish-American Prince?
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: The thing about every jewish male, that distinguishes him from the gentile male, is that, he might be the messiah, whereas, with us gentiles, we know that role has been taken. They’re all princes, to they mommies.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: “Bill Kristol”.
@Promnight: I am a prince to my mommy.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: Speaking as a Scandinavian reared by Hebrews, I have nothing intelligent to say.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: My shrink tells me my mommie is the cause of my issues. Imagine that! He is right, I think, he has led me to see that I womanize, in my way, its all flirtation, pursuit, but never capture, because I am so desperately seeking the love and attention I did not get from mommy. So I seek it from all women. Its hard to realize mom was actually kinda distant, she’s your mom, you know? But then you see it, and its good to see it.
Explains a lot about me, anyway, my shrink’s theory. I seek the love of women, I don’t seek conquest or sexual contact, I seek love and acceptance and approval. Oh, sex is a great way of validating that need, don’t get me wrong, but the need I seek to sate, its a need for love. I feel I am not worthy of love, and I seek and crave love, in an effort to convince myself I am wrong, and that I am worthy of love.
@Promnight: C’mon – you are worthy of love … you learn that anew every day. Don’t make me come down there and give you a dope slap.
@blogenfreude: Fuckin’ A. I totally want a coming-out party, I know it’s too late, but I need it and daddy should pay for it. I need blimps, fucking blimps (how do they work?) floating over my cock-mitzvah, and fresh tulips even though I plan to hold this shindig in November.
@Promnight: You are worthy. Don’t let any Mom or Shrink ever tell you you’re not.
Now, I just have to get famous enough to be a brand; then I will release a DVD / internet video stream / mix-tape of all my favoritest influences, but only those that are in the public domain of course, so I can keep all the royalties for myself, without any licensing fees.
@blogenfreude: Well, to be honest, I reject the stuart smalley view of the world, I will never believe that I am worthy of love. But, I am not any less worthy than anyone else. You know what I mean? Love isn’t love if you only get it, because you are ‘worthy” of it. Love, I think, is only real, if its given, despite that noone deserves it. Your true love is the one who knows most clearly and completely how much you don’t deserve love, but loves you anyway. The one you can be so completely honest with, as to share the darkest depths of your soul, and who still accepts and loves without judging.
@Mistress Cynica: The ironic part is that that’s what takes all the humor out of it for me :/
@blogenfreude: Am I the only one that thought, “She doesn’t look very Japanese…” at first? Yes? Okay, well, uh… Here, this should distract you from whatever I just said.
@Promnight: There was once a time when someone with a “brand,” thats all she is, a “brand,” would at least try to protect the value of the brand by making sure that what went out under the brand was of at least some level of quality…
Deregulation at its finest, my friend. It doesn’t matter whether or not the product is harmful (or, in this case, outright toxic) to the consumers because no one will penalize her for it. So what if her Kool-Aid has alarming levels of mercury in it? It’s red and it smells like cherry, so people will keep buying it anyway.
And on that happy note, goodnight, fellow travelers on this vale of tears. We is all just muddling our way between birth and the grave, and its connecting with, and loving, everyone you can, that makes the journey worthwhile.
@JNOVjr: It doesn’t matter whether or not the product is harmful (or, in this case, outright toxic) to the consumers
What portion of the GDP would you characterize otherwise? Just curious. Because methinks it’s a shitload percentage of what is produced.
@Promnight: But on the other hand, the Stuart Smalley Theory of Love makes sense, because when it comes down to our(?) deepest darkest misanthropist leanings, nobody could possibly find love. The fact that many of us do must mean that, for some reason, Doggone It, People Like You!
@PedonatorUSA: Good point. I guess it’s just that most of the other stuff that’s caustic-when-read goes largely undersold. I mean, really. Who uses paper media anymore? Might as well sign all of your legal documents with a hammer and chisel, and pedal your car with your feet, amirite? Incidentally, does anyone even own a Kindle? I’ve never actually seen one outside of commercials.
@JNOVjr: I only own the Kindle apps for my iPhone and iPad (maybe own is not right? anyway, they were free). I was reading 90% of my books on the iPhone for the last year and it really wasn’t a bad reading experience, but the ‘Pad certainly trumps it.
Not that I believe Apple is in any manner a better “corporate citizen” than Amazon (0r Microsoft for that matter). I boycotted Amazon for years because of J. Bezos’ support for the Bush regime. But at this point resistance is futile. No matter where I get my (paid) digital bits, it’s going into some Evil Lord’s coffers.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: I am married to a prince. The worst kind. He has renounced the trappings of royalty and lives incognito. Unless we are buying furniture at Bloomingdales when he will first charm the staff and then bargain for lower prices.
@JNOVjr: There’s been a Kindle propped up in the background of the LR set on Big Bang. I think Prom might have one.
@redmanlaw: Far be it from me to speak for prom so I’ll go right ahead: he is the proud owner of a Kindle which if I remember correctly he loves. I have a Nook. I did not buy it. I’m prepared to love it but find that it exists more to shift product from Barnes and Noble than anything else. I don’t find that it handles PDFs all that well. I did do quite a bit of reading of old plays on it I downloaded from the Google rape of the west project which I found to be so full of mistakes they’re completely unreliable. At least, the ones I saw were. Talk about dirty folio.
Clearly the iPad has all other readers beat (unless prom really really like the Kindle) and I’m considering trying to swap the dogs for one.
Somebody already thought of this. I just saw a book today at the checkout counter of Bookshop Santa Cruz: “The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin.” All the pages are blank.
@lentinus: [Obligatory “Famous Jewish Sports Legends” reference]
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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