“This is a Big Fucking Deal”
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vice President of the United States on signing the healthcare-reform bill. Get your commemorative t-shirt while they last!
I heart Plugz. How long before the GOP outrage over the coarse language on the teevee?
cant say fuck but you can call someone a baby killer.
Ya’d think he shot someone in the face while drunken car-hunting, and then tried to cover it up, the way some people are hyperventilating.
Thank you VP Joe. You’re putting this in language the “loyal opposition” can finally understand.
@SanFranLefty: It’s not like a Republican VP has ever said “Fuck you” on the floor of the Senate. Oh, wait…
@SanFranLefty: How long before the GOP outrage over the coarse language on the teevee?
@SanFranLefty: The press creates a story for every public figure, so they no longer have to actually understand the substance of what they are doing, they can just point and say “oh hey, there’s that gaffe-ey guy.” Whats interesting is that the story is always a negative, inaccurate stretch, for a liberal, and a positive, laughably inaccurate cartoon, for a conservative.
Thus we have Joe Biden the plagiarizing gaffe-dude, Obama the illegal alien commie nazi spawn of Satan himself, Jimmy Carter the wimpy ineffectual micro-managing failure, Kerry the lying liar who lied and never even served in Vietnam, and on the other side, we have History Professor and intellectual man of letters, Newt Gingrich, Plainspoken, courageous Texan man-of-the-people W Bush, War Hero and Maverick John McCain (not incompetent, last-in-his-class, worst pilot, started fire that killed hundreds, shot down on his first mission, and corrupt savings and loan meltdown-creating shitbag John McCain, which would be accurate).
its ok to spit on a parkinsons patient or call people racially charged names but dont you dare say fuck.
I’m surprised #thisisabigfuckingdeal isn’t a top trend over on twitter yet.
From the “switch-positions-so-fast-your-head-spins” department:
Gohmert: Fight HCR by removing the voice of the people
For a member of a party which, at this VERY MOMENT, has sand in their vaginas about “going against the will of the people”, this doesn’t seem very logical…
A Russian awarded $1million (£666,000) for solving one of the most intractable problems in mathematics said yesterday that he does not want the money.
Said to be the world’s cleverest man, Dr Grigory Perelman, 44, lives as a recluse in a bare cockroach-infested flat in St Petersburg. He said through the closed door: ‘I have all I want.’
At the time he stated: ‘I’m not interested in money or fame. I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo.
‘I’m not a hero of mathematics. I’m not even that successful, that is why I don’t want to have everybody looking at me.’
Oh, I totally bought the shirt.
TJ/ This iPhone totally rocks, but, as with most things Apple, the battery sucks. That’s what happens when you rely on child labor…
@JNOV: I bought a battery brick before coming over here that holds something like four full phone charges and is smaller than the iPhone itself. $50 or so, and although I haven’t really needed it yet, it was a great deal. You can jack the blackberry as well with it.
@Nabisco: Ah. Very good!
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