Decade of the Living Dead

Title: “The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead”

Author: Max Brooks

Rank: 94

Blurb: Survival Lesson #4: “Blades don’t need reloading.”

Review: “Let’s face it: at one time or another we’ve all faced a zombie scare we aren’t prepared for.”

Customers Also Bought: “The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead”

Footnote: We can think of no better way to commemorate the end of the year — and the decade — than a six-year-old zombie book breaking into the Amazon Top 100.

The Zombie Survival Guide [Amazon]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon kickback link]


TJ/ ACK! MOFO! NO! Please tell me this isn’t true.

@JNOV: Let’s just say the post links to a story that was published April 1.

@nojo: I’m about to smack my kid for herp derping my derp like that!

Thanks, nojo!

One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Don’t eat or drink while watching:

@Promnight: Um. Yeah. I quit watching that when the pig popped up.

THIS is what you should check out.

I never read Iron Man, but was he always out as Tony Stark?

Sunday Geek Fun: If you’re visiting with an iPhone, Droid or Crackberry (some models), there’s a new “switch” at the bottom of the page to see the site in Stinque Mobile.

You don’t get all the goodies that way (no polls or recent comments), but I might be able to geek it later — it’s an out-of-the-box plug-in right now.

@Nojo: very cool. Is there a way to click to respond to specific comments?

@SanFranLefty: Not without hacking plug-in code, and I don’t want to go there yet. (Hacking code makes updates troublesome, although a later version of the plug-in promises to be far more flexible.)


Just figured out how to get Latest Comments into the mobile menu. (Stab the arrow top right to see the menu.) It’s a tad inelegant right now, but it’s better than nothing — and that I can refine once I get the hang of it.

Aloha from Maui via Blackberry. Hey Nojo, this mobile thingy is pretty cool.

@Dodgerblue: It’s been on The List o’ Chores for awhile, but I stumbled across a plug-in last night that does most of the heavy lifting for me. (The WP Mothership uses it, so I figure it’s safe for public consumption.)

Just tweaked Mobile Latest Comments again, so it looks a bit closer to the familiar list. More fine-tuning to come, but this is enough to get started.

@JNOV: I loved the first movie. I only regret that The Dude had to die at the end. Shoulda been you, Fishsticks. Shoulda been you.

My, isn’t this iPhone thingie sexy!

/tj. Hay all, enjoying my holiday with the rest of the Jesus people here in No. Cal. Miss you all, and may that which you revere richly bless you in the coming year.

All my love,


Hey, when I left my last paid gig as a state wage slave, they gifted me this Max Brooks guide as well as a handy “field notebook”. I guess they considered that anyone leaving the ‘tucky for international work may as well be going off to fight zombies.

(I have to try and check in from my iphone now…)

Zombie Survival Guide is by the author of one of the best books I ever read, World War Z, an oral history of the zombie wars.

@JNOV: I haven’t kept up with it in the past several years, but I recall from my youth that Iron Man kept his Stark identity a secret. The Marvel Universe is so jacked up these days that I have no clue about what is going on anymore.

@nojo: The mobile thang must be brand new since I tried to comment via BB about 1 pm MDT on Saturday.

@RML: They gave me that book as well! I still have to read it…
@Noj: the mobile view is tres nifty, but the login dropdown seems to lack an obvious ‘enter’ or ‘go’ option after I input my particulars.

@redmanlaw: New as of early afternoon today. It’s a just a very well-conceived WordPress plug-in.

@Nabisco: The mobile design is tailored to the iPhone, which offers a blue Go button when you’re entering a form — I’m not sure how Crackberries or other mobile browsers deal with that.

Right now, customization is very limited, although the plug-in creators are promising custom themes with the next version. I don’t want to get my hands dirty under the hood until I see what they come up with — I’d rather add things like comment-reply buttons and such within a structure they provide, instead of hacking their core programming. Otherwise you end up with something that can’t be automatically upgraded.

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