All in Good Resentful, Spittle-Choking, Kick the Dog, Venom-Spewing Fun

Who can turn the world on with his smile?If you follow Sport as closely as we don’t, you’ll appreciate the significance of the following:

In another gesture to welcome Minnesota quarterback Brett Favre, Green Bay city officials sported flip-flop sandals at work Friday.

The new fashion statements are aimed at poking fun at Brett’s decision-making about his retirement retirements career.

“I think it’s a fun idea. I think that Brett would probably actually be proud that we chose to have this kind of fun without going in to a negative, of a way,” Andre Jacque in the mayor’s office said.

That’s all well and good, but how many computers in the Green Bay mayor’s office have visited Burn Brett Favre?


Every time I have worn my Favre jersey this season the Jets have won. I think is has a dark, evil power that I don’t understand. I’ll wait until the playoffs to torch it.

He’s lucky it’s the Midwest, where they were flip flops and threaten to burn his jersey rather than throw batteries at him.

On Oct 30 at 10:30 am TalkingPointsMemo’s Evan McMorris-Santoro posted Liz Cheney Suggests Obama Honored Fallen Soldiers for the Publicity.

From the comments to the post

At 11:02 am The Comment[er]Formerly Known as NCSteve wrote,
“Cheney. Begins with a “C.” So does the other word I think of everytime she pops out with some new piece of Malkinized viciousness.”

At 1:17 pm kenga says,
“in re: the more likely word – she lacks the warmth and depth.”

Hoping the Broncos go 7-0 by beating the former Cleveland Browns may be too much to ask. Hobo Junior has been playing with house money for weeks.

Good god, has anyone else seen the ad with the concentration camp victim modeling their clothes? This is twisted shit that has to stop.

@lynnlightfoot: Very funny and chilling. The reason I didn’t see it was that I don’t much look at posts re Sport. For obvious reasons.

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