Operation Rescue Needs Rescue

assclown on right

Too bad. So sad.

WICHITA | The anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue says it’s close to shutting down unless emergency financial help arrives soon.

Group president Troy Newman sent an e-mail Monday night to donors saying the organization is in a financial crisis.

Newman blames the economy. But the Wichita-based organization has also taken heavy criticism after the May 31 shooting death of abortion provider George Tiller — not only from abortion-rights supporters but also from anti-abortion militants.

That’s nice.

Sadly, I’m sure some wingnut somewhere will turn on the wingnut welfare tap.

Operation Rescue in Money ‘Crisis,’ May Be Shut Down
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images North America

I hope somebody makes a nice big donation, so Dr. Tiller’s family will have something to get ahold of in the lawsuit.

@al2o3cr: Why do you think they’re crying poverty? They’ve got money, they’re just hiding it. They’ve learned their lessons from the killings in the ’90s and the experiences of the white extremist groups bankrupted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

SanFranLefty: Those SPLC boys will find that dough, if its there. Shoot. Latest issue of Intelligence Report took the time to take to task Native Hawaiians (alleged) racist behavior against whites and other minorities in Hawaii. Which is apparently a problem. (Truly. Long history, there; too short to relate.) Point being that SPLC has got time and energy on their hands. Which is a good thing.

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