I Did Not Know That
Just watched Sotomayor, J. get sworn in, and it was the first time I’d ever heard the oath:
“I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
Just like this guy:
And may I take this opportunity to say: FUCK YOU JON KYL.
I was hoping she would conclude the oath by saying something like “and you 31 racist jerks who voted against me — you can wipe your ass with any legislation you write in the future cuz it ain’t getting by me. No pasaran!”
Hey, bloggie! It’s just words. It’s not a STRICT view of the constitution as per the Federalist Society so they don’t matter, right? RIGHT???!?!
@Dodgerblue: Chinga tu madre, hijos de putas! La Latina esta en el corte!
@SanFranLefty: It is “chinga,” verdad? Related to “pinche,” for ex in the context “you drive like a pinche vieja,” like a fucking old lady.
@SanFranLefty: I speak no Spanish but even I understood that.
@Dodgerblue: I don’t know if it’s the difference between California Spanish and Texas Spanish, but I know it as “chingar” and not “pinchar” like everyone says here.
@SanFranLefty: And yet “chingada hijo de puta” seems to work just fine.
@SanFranLefty: “La Latina sabia esta en la corte”
ADD: moment of reconsideration about “sabio” and whether it becomes a feminine modifier or remains, simply and irrevocably “sabio”. RML? Serolf Divad? Beuhler?
@The Nabisco Quiver: It’s el corte for me, due to living in Spain and being constantly exposed to El Corte Ingles, my favorite discount store. I forget that it’s actually “la corte” for the meaning I want.
ADD: It’s been years since a formal Spanish grammar class yet I can answer that question. It’s sabia, it changes gender because it’s an adjective.
@SanFranLefty: In my experience with my Mexican, chingar is to fuck, thus, chinga tu madre means fuck your mother.
While pinche is a generic emphasis adjective used to add weight to your curse, as in pinche cabron! (fucking asshole!).
The verb pinchar, on the other hand, is used most often when something stings you, like a bee or a mosquito.
anyone know hebrew? i’m giving up. the funniest thing is when i try to converse in it, my brain keeps switching to the spanish channel!
i’m getting good at charades though.
@baked: I need to be able to tell someone to crawl back into the camel’s asshole they came from in Hebrew. Can you help?
@FlyingChainSaw: It may come as a surprise, but when I try to study any foreign language, I am particularly interested in the curse words, the dirty words, and I will ask native speakers, because the books won’t tell you these things. And I have been told several times the English actually has the most expansive vocabulary of invective of almost any language.
And this, FCS, as the premier master of invective in English, the premier master of invective in any language, on earth. And not for the first time, I bow my head, in token of my respect for your talent.
@FlyingChainSaw: I know two words in Aaramaic, a variant of Hebrew, “amen,” which means “let it be so,” and the other word, I forgot.
@Promnight: Wow, Aaramaic, that’s what I need to know. Then I can tell people to fuck themselves and crawl back into the camel’s asshole they came from exactly the way Jesus did!
Llamame loco, but I’d always heard “joviar,” as in “este joviando machina no funciona.”
Can’t find refs though, so posiblemente no es correcto.
(También mi español se chupa, unfortunamente).
@Original Andrew: “joder” (v. to fuck (over) . It takes on different regional flavor depending on where you use it; it’s a softer, “don’t shit me” when the castellanos say “no jodes” or simply “joder” when they take a wrong turn, bang their thumb, or are just ticked off. Equivalent, our “aw, shit” or “aw, fuck”. It’s become more popular in central and south america over the years, I think; I found it especially pervasive in Neek-ah-RAH-waw.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
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