Australia’s Cultural Reputation Under Siege

Breaking news from the Oz cultural beat: the hallowed pub crawl is under threat from nanny-state politicians. Late-night patrons would be refused re-entry after leaving, and establishments would be required to close their doors as early as 2 a.m.

“This would prevent all-night pub crawls and drunken louts wandering the streets from watering hole to watering hole,” reports the Opera House rag.

Even more stunning: “The ministers also agreed to a ban of fruit-flavoured and confectionary-flavoured cigarettes by December 2009.”

With Australia’s reputation already under attack from New Zealand’s fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo, Americans are now forced to consider whether consumption of Foster’s supports an oppressive regime, and whether to switch to Steinlager instead.

Locks go on late night pub crawls [Sydney Morning Herald]
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