Canada For President

They have my vote:


Well, I don’t know. We only get 2 kinds of Maple syrup from Canada down here in Australia.

Camp, or Queen. I am always confused as to which I should buy. But at them moment, It’s Camp. Means I can cook pancakes and sing show tunes. I hate having to put the false eyelashes on and the big heels and fab frocks to cook pancakes and bacon.

The “Dorothy” dress and apron is so much more suitable for cooking. It’s cotton and less flammable. Also fewer sequins to sweep up after a turn in the kitchen.

@CheapBoy: I hear you. Look for real maple syrup made here in NY instead of that canadian crap. Mind you, given the fact that our climate seems to be headed south, who knows how much longer syrup can be produced here? People who lived in this house used to boil their own syrup. There’s still a stone fire pit. However, that sprang a leak during last summer’s rains and there’s now a spring running through it.

But the Canada thing… I’m all over it. This was my idea for a Danish invasion, which I still haven’t abandoned but sure, let’s get some sentient life-forms into this endless race to the bottom.

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