Remember When the Tonight Show Was Worth Watching?

. . . If only to catch glimpses of the band between commercial breaks.


Ah, Doc. I think that Joe Pass played with the Carson band for a while, also maybe for Merv Griffin.

Many polyesters gave their lives for the making of this incredible video.

It had an air of class back then. I remember seeing Carson and his guests smoking and drinking (gasp!) on camera; it had a jovial, party atmosphere then. Or am I romanticizing too much?

Now it’s just as vapid and lame as everything else on the TeeVee.

(And yes, I fully embrace my curmudgeonhood. Now you kids get the fuck off my lawn!)

Dear Chicago Stinquers, Dodgers beat the Cards 13-4 tonight, you’re welcome.

@Dodgerblue: Hey, no spoilers! I’ve just started Ken Burns’ Tenth Inning.

And I have absolutely no interest in baseball. John Chancellor snookered me.

@pinkoscum: Carson was naughty. You can’t do Naughty anymore. No entendres worth doubling.

@nojo: Once you’ve gone profane, you can’t go back to naughty.

I used to watch Cavett when he was the competition. The episode with Jim Brown and Lester Maddox was epic. The night after that with Zero Mostel was a hoot.

@Dodgerblue: the ghost of Roberto Clemente doffs his cap

All I remember is a fake mic and a turban.

Karen Black died. She was 74?!?!

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