Tour My Apartment!

Yes, it’s my 425 SF Manhattan apartment as seen from … the Roomba! Prepare to be bored out of your mind! And yes, those are my feet, and I am in fact wearing scrubs – best tip I ever got from my ex, the ER doc.


@SanFranLefty: Roomba thinks it’s big – spends more than 40 minutes cleaning – as the GF says: “works so hard!” Worth the price for the pet version, but I take it apart every few months to peel off the hairs that get tangled on all the moving parts. Still, fun to watch the cat react.

@blogenfreude: And it can handle wood floor? That’s all we have here…about 200 sq. ft of floor space due to the fridge, bed, couch, coffee table, and bookshelves.

@SanFranLefty: It got the Japanese GF seal of approval – it only has trouble at the junction of carpet and wood floor – lease requires 80 percent of floor covered by carpet – I am … 50 percent? But yes – Roomba does a good job.

I lived for two years in a 330 sqft apartment with two dogs, and I worked at home. When I finished working, I just twirled my chair around and fell into bed. Fortunately, it was in the West Fenway in Boston so I had a garden bigger than the apartment and the beautiful Back Bay Fens as my playground.

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