Old People Tell Paul Ryan to Get Off Their Lawn

“Paul Ryan drew boos speaking to the AARP by attacking ‘Obamacare’ and pledging to repeal it… Ryan was booed repeatedly as he continued to attack the bill, especially after he said the law ‘turned Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare.'” [TPM]


Romney releasing some tax stuff today? A bit of a distraction from recent events, perhaps?

@Dodgerblue: 2011 tax return and “notarized statement” for previous years coming at 3pm ET. The buzz says that Mitt lowered his charitable deductions to keep his tax rate from dropping into single digits.

Just saw the Space Shuttle fly over Santa Monica, twice!

@Dodgerblue: Put on some Allman Brothers until you come down some.

@nojo: will that be the long or short form notarized statement? I think Orly should look into this.

@Beggars Biscuit: The Russkis put Sputnik up when I was 6. I’m been a fan of rocketry, space travel etc since then.

@Dodgerblue: I thought you were joking at first. Nice picture on FB!

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