Wishing You a Happy Voyage Home

“It’s a time-honored tradition at Navy homecomings — one lucky sailor is chosen to be first off the ship for the long-awaited kiss with a loved one. Today, for the first time, the happily reunited couple was gay.” [Virginian-Pilot, via @sarah_sprague]


From the Department of Make Love Not War.

@FlyingChainSaw: those two are pretty hot. you know all the sailors were leering and cheering. i’ll bet this starts a tradition.

@jwmcsame: This wasn’t left to chance. The guys in charge of the lottery probably dug through hundreds of tickets to find hers.

@FlyingChainSaw: nothing is left to chance in the military except the completion of civilian contractor projects on time or within budget. a friend of mine in the marines had among other duties the mission of assuring the randomness of drug tests. that was some power.

@jwmcsame: We did it by last number of SSN. Pulled out of a hat by the CO, supposedly. I was a piss watcher. Good duty, that.

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