King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (1924-2015)

Called a reformer, yet still cutting off hands, and heads.



Saudi proverb: To get a head you have to go on foot.
(web translation)

@BobCens: I’m impressed.

Here’s a pickle: I haven’t seen or spoken to my father for 30 years. Yesterday he sent me a friend request on Facebook. Hmm. What to do, what to do…

@Benedick: A couple of years ago my book club read Tiny Beautiful Things, a collection of letters and responses from the now-defunct “Dear Sugar” advice column (whose author, its turns out, was Cheryl Strayed, now better known for her memoir Wild). Much to my surprise, it was a great read, and a lot of her advice has stuck with me. So, though the circumstances are obviously different (“every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” etc. — and I say that as someone with plenty of unhappiness in my own family), I refer you to the exchange here with “Orphan.”

@SanFranLefty: It just strikes me as being so wildly – inappropriate? – I was taken aback.

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