Rick Santorum Calls for Massive Government-Funded Faith Program

“If you read President Kennedy’s text, while there were certainly some very important things and good things he said in that, there were some things that triggered in my opinion the privatization of faith, and I think that’s a bad thing.” [ThinkProgress]


I don’t like the idea of state sponsored altar boys.

The door to theocracy was openned wide by Bush jr.
It’s the only vote they can swindle, uh, that is, “swing” at this point.

@tomfoolery: Sully dropped a word yesterday I hadn’t heard before: “Theocons”. If it’s not his, somebody else deserves credit.

@nojo: “Theocons” is very good. I’m surprised it wasn’t coined longer ago and think it a shame if it doesn’t spread like Santorum.

I’ve got the TV on, tuned to CNN so I don’t miss the surge of Santorum washing Romney out of Michigan — is Alex Castellano a porn movie actor on the side? That mustache! Ewwwww!

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