Santorum Goes Godwin
“We think, well, you know, it’ll get better. Yeah, he’s a nice guy. I mean, it won’t be near as bad as what we think. This will be okay. I mean, yeah, maybe he’s not the best guy after a while. After a while you find out some things about this guy over in Europe who’s not so good of a guy after all, but ya know what, why do we need to be involved? We’ll just take care of our own problems.” [CNN]
Funny, this commentary applies far more effectively to EVERY teabagger governor elected in 2010…
You know what really bugs me about Frothy Mix? I mean besides the fact that he’s running for Pope and he’s a sack of fecal matter and lube?
He’s such a fucking wuss. He says something out on the campaign trail on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, and then he goes on the Sunday morning shows where they say something along the lines of Bob Schieffer’s “What in the Sam Hill were you talking about, Rickie?” and he tinkles in his pants and tries to walk it all back. Denouncing “radical feminists” became “My wife wrote that section of the book” [note she didn’t get any credit as a co-author], speaking in dog-whistle code about Obama worshiping a false theology gets walked back as “I meant his environmentalism elevating the earth above man” [query to Stinquers who know the Bible better than I, but doesn’t Jesus say people shouldn’t worship themselves but something bigger?], and now this.
Grow a set of ovaries/balls, asswipe. If you’re going to talk out your ass, which I visualize as burbling bubbles of fecal matter and lube, then you should fucking OWN it.
Oh, and enough with the fucking sweater vests. You’re not fooling anyone. Lose 25 pounds already.
UPDATE: I just read what he said. So basically he accused the “Greatest Generation” of vets like my grandpas and great-uncles who uncomplainingly went off and won a world war and then came back and in their various blue collar ways built the infrastructure that made us a world power, of being a bunch of cowards who watched Hitler come to power and did nothing for a few years? Getting earmarks for the Pittsburgh Zoo isn’t really the equivalent level of “serving your country” you motherfucker.
@SanFranLefty: How did this schlemiel get elected Senator?
@SanFranLefty: The idea that Man should be the master of the earth goes back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The LORD spake thusly: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”” Genesis 1:28.
Right wing assholes use that line as justification to rip the the environment, destroying game habitat for oil and gas development, etc. That can also be a basis of the offense taken when the Endangered Species Act mandates specific measures to avoid jeopardy to a listed species, “they’re elevating a snail over school kids/business/the local economy.”
Other Christians of the bunny loving variety see the line as a source of an obligation to practice stewardship of the Earth, its resources, and all its fish and creatures. We like this kind of Christian.
He rode the 1994 wave. Based on what has happened (20/20 hindsight) 1994 was a pretty shitty year in US America politics.
@SanFranLefty: And despite all because of his stupidity back-water states like Texas with huge electoral numbers are falling for
candidate santorum
@texrednface: I guess I’ll just have to set up the Underground Railroad to help my parents and a few friends to escape San Antonio, the Melrose section of Houston, and Austin (though could Austin become the West Berlin to the asshattery?).
P.S. Speaking of UT, did you hear about the girl from the soccer team who is in critical condition after being mowed down by the drunk driver? Que lastima.
@Dodgerblue: Ask our Pennsylvania contingency of Nabeesko, baked, or JNOV, I have no fucking clue.
@Dodgerblue: @SanFranLefty: His values.
From my daughter’s bumper sticker –
“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi
I am certain that Gandhi had people like this asshole in mind.
@texrednface: Let them. Good for them. Santorum would be more of a gift to our side than Newt, and that’s saying something.
Go Froth!
Froth! Froth! Froth! Yay Froth!
Foamy, Creamy, Froth, Froth, Froth!
What do we want? When do we get it? I need it now. Froth!
A few ideas for mall lot cheers.
@SanFranLefty: Because the redistricting plan is still being fought out, the Texas Primary won’t be till May 29 at the earliest. As an added blessing, there haven’t been any adverts from any candidates yet to run on the telly. Perhaps it’s Mittens’ plan to let the Frothy One talk himself out of the nomination.
That’s why Santorum is on everyone’s lips over at FOX/CNN.
@SanFranLefty: In 1994, I hadn’t voted in a PA election for more than a decade.
@SanFranLefty: frothy either forgot or no one ever read him the first couple of chapters about the good ole usa’s early involvement in the big one. the greatest generation would have had at it a lot earlier, especially in europe before december 7, 1941 had the teapublican’ts of the day not been hollerin’ so much about isolationism and financing hitler like herr prescott bush, AG.
@Benedick: Frothy, creamy, brown and steamy! We all think those vests are dreamy! GO RICK!
@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: Ooooo. I see hot boys in football outfits chanting that at campaign stops in Iowa City.
@Benedick: Let’s skip the campaign and go right to the hot boys.
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