The Born Ultimatum
The Arizona Senate passed the Birther Bill last night, which requires Presidential candidates to show either a “long-form” birth certificate — the one Hawaii’s holding back — or two of the following:
- baptismal or circumcision certificate
- hospital birth record
- postpartum medical record
- early census record
Like all Americans, we can get behind required Circumcision Certificates for Presidential candidates. Especially Michele Bachmann.
Arizona ‘Birther’ Bill A Step Closer To Law [KPHO]
JamieSommers, GET YER ASS OUTTA THERE, girl!
I can’t WAIT to see what the crazies in AZ do with this – between the adult baptizers, the “I don’t need me no doctors” crowd and the “the census will put everybody into camps” crowd it should be interesting.
I suspect that many of these same folks were probably supporting a constitutional convention to make an amendment to the only native born people allowed to run for Preznit rule to allow a certain Ahnold Black Plowman to run for the office when he was done with Kaliphonya.
@ManchuCandidate: I never bothered to look up what the “Egge” part of his name means. Interesting.
@mellbell: Wait, look up? I thought you had a doctorate in KrautGerman lit or sumpin.
ADD: re: circumcision. Mormons are good to go, but wouldn’t that rule out the Papists?
I went with Ahnold’s version. Apparently it can also be interpreted as Black Penis, but I don’t know German so I can’t say one way or another.
@Nabisco: You give me far too much credit.
@ManchuCandidate: Well, schwarz is close to Schwanz (literally “tail,” but also slang for penis), so there’s that.
@mellbell: Obligatory Young Frankenstein quote: “He would have an enormous schwanzstucker!”
@SanFranLefty: After a while, you don’t even feel it anymore.
OK, now I’m convinced Trump’s campaign is one extremely drawn-out Frisky Dingo reference:
Trump: I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks
What’s next, passing out little bottles of grape soda with his campaign logo on them? Maybe he could propose a pedestrian overpass to Canada… ;)
@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: That’s what Maria Shriver said.
The urge to push my nerd-glasses up on my nose and make a disparaging remark about translating German, possibly while snorting, is fortunately weak enough that I can ignore it.
If you like Mikimoto on Facebook they’ll send a buck to Japanese Red Cross … and some of those are my dollars folks.
@mellbell: Same in Yiddish, usually written as “schvantz.” Not a polite word.
@Dodgerblue: I like that, “schvantz”. Very dignified.
@IanJ: Have I said something completely off-base?
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