Well done, RML!
Good shootin’.
Glad you’re on our side.
Mrs RML is so angry at the RW crackpots that she told me to get my concealed carry permit and arm liberals to show up at town hall meetings to be as crazy as they are. Most libs I know would carry heat with their thumb and forefingers at arms’s length and would probably harm themselves or others, so we’ll see about that.
I put about 50 rounds on each target of .38 special and .357 magnum from my snubnosed Ruger revolver and 9 mm from my Glock with the Evil High Capacity Magazines at 7m/21 ft. RML endorses both high cap mags and gay marriage and extends a hearty congrats, terraist fist bump, man hug and toast to Benedict for hitting the big 4-0 with the Mr.
* and I picked up my empties as well as other trash at the site.
@redmanlaw: “and I picked up my empties as well as other trash at the site.”
Well of course you did. Would an Iron Eyes Cody* “Keep America Beautiful” joke be crossing the line?
*yes, I know now that the actor was Italian, and not Native American, thanks to the miracles of the Wikipedia, Googles, and Tubes.
TJ/ I love you all. No homo.
I am very intrigued by the target itself and how the background area around the bullet hole is florescent green. Must be some kind of special printing process the allows the black ground to be blown off so you can easily see the holes. Can you tell me something about that. Does it have a brand name? Never mind I found this on Cabela’s “Shoot-N-C 12″ Sight-In Target
When a bullet hits, the black coating flakes off approximately twice the size of the hole, leaving an easy-to-see halo. 12″ Sight-In target. Per 12.”
Obviously I don’t shoot much. The last time I did was in a caliche pit and we shot at beer cans and bottles. That’s all we could afford. Well after you buy bullets and beer, the targets were free.
What leaf did you use?
Nice shooting.
@redmanlaw: Thanks for the bump. Manhug taken.
And I just saw they are tea bags!!!!!11! Excellent. How dumb am I? (Rhetorical question thank you, Catt)
@texrednface: Leaf? RML spurns the use of drugs while shooting. Oh – the tea. Luzianne sun tea bags. I used the Shoot-N-C s so the shots would show up better in the photograph. I did my art project after target practice for elk hunting later this month (if my bro don’t flake out.)
@JNOV: Like Texas women say “God Bless ‘Em” and rip someone a new one.
@redmanlaw: Can I be your groupie?
breaking: You don’t have to be straight to shoot straight.
@redmanlaw: Breaking: Bullshit.
Again: no timeline. But pretty strong words.
They were also pretty strong words eighteen months ago…
I should have taken pictures of the target shot to crap by a group of actors I took out to the range a while ago. It was pretty amusing, in a “Holy shit, maybe don’t piss off actors” kinda way. Some of them are surprisingly good shots, and the one who was the most reluctant is now something of a miniature gun fiend.
@IanJ: Hearing about the “Dance 10 Looks 3 Fighting Thespians” warms my heart.
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