Douchebag of the Day

Just watch him fall apart at the end:


And then there’s this idiot, also in attendance; closeted, natch, then dragged out.

@blogenfreude: Right. Not just douchebag but gaytard. Loving the rugged unshaved look. Just don’t let him say ‘chintz’. Fave film: Top Gun. Disapproves of George Michael shoving his lifestyle down his throat. Disapproves of Matt Bomer because children. Also disapproves of Matt Bomer because because. And also plus, his girlfriend lives in Sacramento.

I like him for the Indian, but I totally understand if you think he’s better suited as the cop.

He looks like he just sat through all of the Twilight movies. Yick.

I’d like it noted for the record that this nutter is from the Tucson area. Many of them are coming out of the “Baja Arizona” woodwork now; it ain’t all Maricopa County.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: It ain’t all Maricopa County, true that, but there’s a share of Mohave and Yavapai County scooting down.

Holy shit.

Malaysia Airlines has not had a very good year. Someone just shot down one of their airliners over the Russian/Ukrainian border.

Holy shit.

@ManchuCandidate: I can feel CNN’s hard-on from here.

@ManchuCandidate: I think it’s time to sell our stock in Malaysia Airlines.

Lawerence O’Donnell has grown an amazing, actually very handsome, beard.

That is all.

@Tommmcatt Au Gros Sel: Meanwhile, I’m cheering on Chuck Todd now. Because he’s awesome in slamming down Todd “natural rape” Akin.

@Dodgerblue: It hurts my heart, the Malaysians were so damn nice and sad when I was at KL after the last plane fakaka.
/meanwhile, CNN producers get the biggest boners ev-AH!

@SanFranLefty: Akin should have just stared into the camera and muttered the words “I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot” over and over again. It would have been a better career move.

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