Because Guns Don’t Kill People

“(CHICAGO) (WLS) — A shooting early Saturday morning in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood claimed the life of one man and wounded another. The slain victim is the son of a woman who has now lost all [four] of her children to gun violence.” [ABC-Chicago]


They’re African American. To a sickeningly large percentage of the population of the US they may as well have died anonymously from starvation in Somalia. Do we really understand how MANY people living in our own neighborhoods do not consider these victims – or anyone else like them – to be actual human beings?

I have a retired friend who calls me pretty regularly to blow off steam. He works part time delivering auto parts and spends a lot of time between deliveries talking to his younger all-white co-workers. While many finished high school, others have much less education. ALL of them, including his employer, firmly believe only white Americans are truly human. Europeans range from almost-human northern European types to semi-humans with darker skins. The rest of the world’s people, particularly the non-white racial groups, are subhuman and not worth a moment’s thought.

Educated people like many Stinquers may have the idea we are living in an enlightened age, but the truth is there are some flickering points of light set against a very, very dark background.

OT/ Canada City news… The new premier of Ontario is a lesbian, the first in Canada City. Let’s hope she is better than the Norman Bates lookalike.

@Dave H: You are reminding me of reason #378 why Mr. SFL and I are not breeding. I can’t in good conscience bring a child into that sort of world.

@SanFranLefty: I helped bring three great kids into the world between 1979-84. They have helped bring six absolutely wonderful grandchildren between 7 years to 4 months old into the world. I stagger between blind Roddenberry-like optimism and sheer panic at what kind of world they will inhabit in another 60 years.


…don’t worry, though. I won’t spoil it in case you didn’t see it.

@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: My wife was in tears. The Earl might have made the right call given the risks of major surgery at that time, but he made it for the wrong reason.

@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: I think that he will be sleeping in the dressing room for quite a while. And BTW, what kind of dressing room (in a house) is it that you can sleep in? Maybe Thomas the footman can console him. Now that would be a fun plot development!

Meanwhile in the Northwest Territories of Teabagistan, the predominantly reactionary legislature gets a rude surprise: Idaho Capitol intrusion shocks lawmakers: Video shows man with gun inspecting desks, waste bin in Boise”.

@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Is it wrong that I started shouting, “USA! USA!” when the Countess verbally bitchslapped the Earl?

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: No. BTW I think “bitchslapping the Earl” would look good above the fold. Don’t you, Nojo?

Forget the kids, I’m worried for my own self.

@Jesuswalksinidaho: If they don’t care that you take a shotgun into the gallery, why do they give a fuck what you have in your purse?

Although they couch their concerns around physical safety of “the building and the people in it,” it’s clear what has them in a fit is not the “sidearm” but the photographing of desk surfaces. If you’re going to allow random members of the public to wander around your office space, wouldn’t it behoove you to not leave private or confidential papers laying around? Interesting that it never occurred to them that a journalist might wander through. Do they have such creatures in Utah?

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